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Oct 1, 2008


I have been thinking a little more lately about the Mayan prediction of massive world and life change on December21, 2012. I actually read a few books years back about the Mayans and where their prediction came from. Justin and I watched a discovery or science channel show about it around a month ago and I guess on that day (winter solstice) the sun, the earth and the center of the milky way galaxy will all line up. Scientists and astronomers are not sure what the effects of that will be as it only happens once every 26,000 years. They theorize that it will cause major havoc, that the poles will shift and that it could cause all types of major natural disasters possibly for all of the days surrounding that date.

I have no idea what will happen. But I do find it very interesting that the sun, our source of light, our earth, and the center of the galaxy, potentially where life began, will line up. Life as we know it beginning in the center of the milky way galaxy is of course just a theory that makes total sense to me (it seems like to Justin as well). There is a black hole at the center of the galaxy, and I think that black holes most likely lead somewhere else, even if that somewhere is right here in a different dimension. It all seems to add up to something significant.

So here's the last part of my thought. The scriptures say that no man knows the hour of the end, and/or the coming of the Savior and I believe that. I think it is likely that life as we know it will be dramatically altered around that date. The surface of the earth may be altered, and like one of my friends said to me, the gap between the "wicked" and the "righteous" will be even wider. No matter what happens and no matter when the Savior returns, we know that now is the time to choose which side we will stand on. We can't walk the line. We have to decide that whatever happens in the world around us, we will live in faith knowing that every aspect of our lives can be used for our good, for our learning. Prepare yourself physically and spiritually. Do your best to live joyfully and thankfully with what you've got and heed the council of the brethren!!! Prepare every needful thing.


MAMACITA said...

Holy cow you are INSPIRATIONAL! That was AWESOME!

Trish said...

I have thought about this since you wrote it Am. There have been signs for years and years. And warnings for years and years. After conference this weekend, I feel we are ready - or can be. We all have the instruction and tools necessary to face whatever may come. And more importantly, we have His spirit, guidance and constant companionship to help us through it. I have a huge, gigormous drive to submerse my children in the gospel principles and the beautiful stories of Christ. I can't wait to live better.