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Oct 31, 2008

Little Shrimps

Too bad I can't figure out how to rotate my pictures huh! Well, here's one of Jayden with Grandpa Madsen on Mandy's wedding day and the other one is on his way to school on picture day.

Austin Lamar, earlier this month, the day he started some solid food! Man he loves it! His biggest challenge is keeping those fingers out of his mouth at meal time. :)

How did I get so many kids!!??


Trish said...

"How did you get so many kids?" LOL! You married a wonderful husband with a beautiful boy and had two gorgeous boys of your own. Quickly. Thanks for the pictures. Happy Halloween!

MAMACITA said...

oOOOOOOOOH SO CUTE pictures!! You rotate your pictures once they are in your Pictures on your computer! You just click on the picture you want to rotate and there are a couple of curved arrows along the bottom bar and you click that! Then they'll stay that way for wherever else you want to download them to! Cute HAT on Joshua! And Austin is getting so BIG!! holy! And love the Temple pic and good lookin' Jayden on school day! xoxo

Mandy said...

Pictures are SOO cute-seriously Joshua, Austin, and Jayden are ridiculously cute. Precious! And I love the hat on Joshua and baby Austin eating whole food! That means he's getting big.
Anyway, love you--I was thinking of having our little house warming thing this weekend sometime... what do ya think? Don't have a specific time...but sometime this weekend..probably Friday night...?? Or Saturday because of the football game...

Trish said...

Doing anything for Jayden's b-day? We want to come and see him. Will he be with you on his actual b-day?