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Oct 3, 2008

A Thought on Gratitude and Growth

I'm sure I have shared this thought with some of you before , but here I go again anyway. The happenings of the morning got me thinking about gratitude at the beginning of my yoga practice. There are things that happen in all of our lives that fall short of the ideal, and sometimes those things stir up feelings of frustration , doubt or anger. All of those feelings are a sure indication that you are, in that moment, failing to see the opportunity it is presenting. For example, let's say Jayden is being really loud and hyper and asking me for something for the fifth time and at the same time I am trying to feed the baby and Joshua is crying. I could very easily loose my patience and let the noise get to me, or I could see that Heavenly Father, through my children, is giving me an opportunity to grow. (Different days I have different reactions to these types of situations.) So quickly, think of something in your life you are not grateful for that is a challenge for you in some way, and remember in your prayers to be grateful for it. Fake it at first and you may find a few days into it you start to see how that thing can be a blessing to you and your growth.


MAMACITA said...

You're just such a wise soul, Am. Love you!

Matthew Lisonbee said...

I love you too Am, Amen.

McGraths said...

I got your comment. Cute blog.

About the party: We can do it this upcoming weekend or the weekend of the 24th. We can't do it the weekend of the 17th because we have family coming into town to celebrate our boys' birthdays.

Let me know. Thanks.

Trish said...

Hmmm. Loved it. Thank you Am.

Mandy said...

Amber-can you please say that at General Conference-you are so amazing! Seriously. Thank you for your example always. I am enlightened and full of the spirit from reading your testimony. Love you and miss you.