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Oct 13, 2008

Thoughts on Yoga

Handsome wonderful hubby and Joshua on TRAX

I went to a really amazing yoga workshop last Thursday and Friday. My entire outlook on yoga was transformed in just 2 1/2 hours of discussion and 2 1/2 hours of practice. The two classes I have taught since this workshop I feel have been stylistically very different and I have adviced the students to begin class with "yoga amnesia" like we were advised at the beginning of our workshop. The workshop was taught by a man who has practiced daily for 37 years and who brought ashtanga yoga over from India. Yoga came from "cavemen." All they had was their bodies. They learned from their bodies and created a physical system to help them feel good and comfortable, and out of pain or dis-ease so that they could meditate longer and serve the world in the way they were supposed to without getting slowed down by their bodies. So the purpose of yoga IS NOT to become stronger, or more flexible, IT IS to make your body feel good so that you can leave the mat, and do your work, give the world what you came to give without having to stop to baby your aching back! There of course are many other benefits, but this is what it comes down to in the end. The better you feel, the more you have to give. I am excited to teach with this new perspective and now feel that the most important choices I can make for my body and spirit are those that will get me to a ripe old age feeling good in my body.


Matthew Lisonbee said...

This is actually why I got involved in yoga. . . for that very reason. With my body incapabilities it helped me become stronger not for any vanity reasons but for emotional and everyday service I give to my family. I have rehabilitated twice now from yoga principles and i am sure it will help me serve many more years I hope. . .really its all up to his will for me. Thanks for sharing. I hope we can get together and maybe one day start our own Yoga thing together. Do you want to go walk tommorrow? I will try to be at your house around 9am. Does that sound good.
Luvs, Ash-

MAMACITA said...

That's amazing, Am. I'm so happy that you loved the classes and obviously got SO MUCH out of them that you are excited about sharing and teaching to others! I'm glad it all ended up working out so you could go even though I wasn't there! I MISS YOU! xoxo

Trish said...

I read this a few days ago and just read it again. Very fascinating! I totally didn't know that about yoga. But it is nice to get the other benefits too. I wish I had time and discipline to do all the good things to keep me feeling and looking younger!