Hey, I just put on post on our studio site, and I thought I would just paste it over here too! Here it is! :) Better than no post!
Last week I felt a strong desire to eat something, when I knew I was not actually hungry. I took a moment and tuned into my body. I felt a physical craving in my veins, like a mild internal shaking, and identified my desire to eat as an actual, physical sugar craving. Defining my desire to eat as a sugar craving, gave me a tangible ah-ha moment and a determination to not feed this literal addiction my body has developed.
There have been years in my life that I have spent only putting the best, most whole and wholesome foods into my body. During these times I was not the least bit tempted by unhealthy foods. I mention this to say that I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Sugar is a drug and like any drug there are withdrawal symptoms when you quit. You must make a mental commitment and a plan for when a craving hits. Here are some side effects of this drug that may help deter you when your body says . . . SUGAR!
-weakens the immune system
-creates extra work for the pancreas
-leaches calcium from the bones (leading to osteoporosis)
-robs the body of B vitamins (essential for your nervous system)
-creates an unhealthy pH which creates an environment for disease to thrive
-creates cravings that lead to higher intake of carbs and calories
-creates general moodiness
Ridding your body of addictions is a beautiful, empowering thing. Make attainable goals, based on your current sugar consumption, to gradually eliminate refined sugar from your diet. If you eat a lot of desserts, cut those out first. Before you reach for food, check in with yourself, see if you are hungry, or if you are responding to a craving. Stock your kitchen with your favorite fruits, maybe some wholesome fruit or carrot juice and drink a lot of water. Remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel and the longer you go, the easier it will become. Your body will thank you.
You're so dedicated and smart!! That's good--I wish I could say the same thing about myself..I just know with all of my baking there is no way to eliminate sugar...(okay, no way isn't true..but just very difficult/not likely)baking example--(this week--cookies) and Saturday big ward group breakfast tomorrow and I'm making the cinnamon rolls... ! But you have motivated me to lower my sugar-ness. Maybe one day I'll get to that point. Love you-hope ya'll are doing well...how's yoga studio?
Very nice Am! Of course being FORTY-FIVE POUNDS lighter than I used to be, and achieving that in a HEALTHY way, I can actually say that I KNOW what you're talking about! :) Me, Ms. Chocolate and Sweets Queen of the World, discovered that I COULD lose my cravings for sweets. Didn't think it was possible. But alas, it happened---even to mwah. I agree with Mandy, also, you are a smart little Britches. xo
Amber, Shut Up! This is so for me isn't it?! Why didn't you just tell me to my face? Did you see my fat face on my facebook picture? Is that why you're telling me to "Quit the SUGAR!!!" Clay tries to tell me in ways like; You're butt is big, OK - if you want it to go to your hips, etc. You are more kind to just post a generic note to "everyone". Sorry everyone had to read it too!
BTW I am not running - yet. I have ridden the elliptical machine and bike 3 times last week. I'm just warming up to start running. I just registered for a 5k in Provo for April 4th. Website is Run13.com It was about $15. I would love you to join me. And we are looking for more runners for the Wasatch Back. Liz (Jeff's wife) recruited me. That one is June 20-21 and is $85. Ouch - yeah I had no idea it was going to be that much but I am saving up.
Hey Amber I just got home from California. Can I email you the photo? I am glad the studio is doing better. I will try to make it this week.
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