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Mar 9, 2009

Eat More Greens!

Hey guys! Here's another post transferred from what I just put on the studio website. Enjoy! Hopefully I'll get a family update up soon!

We're getting closer to our cleanse the 20th of this month and our bodies will cleanse much more easily if we continue our preparations. The next few weeks, focus on getting more greens and plant based foods in your diet.

A good place to focus to get more greens is on eating a salad a day. You can find a lot of variety in salad by changing up different types of greens as well as your topping vegetables or fruits. Try salads with different varieties of lettuce, spinach, kale or collard greens. Kale becomes softer and more palatable if you place the leaves in boiling water before adding them to your salad. All it takes is a second and they're ready. (We like to add some Bragg's Liquid Aminos for protein and flavor. This also helps us use less of our more fattening and more expensive salad dressing.)

Lately my family has discovered a new found love for morning green drinks. Breakfast green drinks are a great way to get more greens for yourself and your kids. They set your day off on the right foot and give your body a chance to start some gentle cleansing. In the beginning, if you want more substance, eat something healthy with your green drink for breakfast, maybe some whole grain mush or health food store yogurt with fruit. A few days to a week before your cleanse, break it down to just your green drink and maybe a piece of fruit.

Here is the green drink my whole family enjoys:
1 cup water
1 cup fruit juice (apple or orange)
1 banana (frozen or not)
approx 3/4 cup other fruit (We alternate between pineapple, pears, and a mixture of berries. The baby likes pears the best)
1 very large handful of greens (typically baby spinach at our house)

You can minimize the fruit and up the greens as you get used to the flavor if you want a more alkaline drink.

Spinach can be very expensive so we buy conventional 2 lb. bags at Costco for $4.00. They also have 1 lb organic bags for 4.00. I am happy to pick some up for anyone who doesn't have a membership.

Here are some reasons your body loves greens:

-the most concentrated form of nutrition of any food
-packed with iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium
-contain vitamins K, C, E, and many B vitamins
-contain properties which protect our cells from damage and our eyes from age-related problems
-protect against osteoporosis and diabetes
-they act as an intestinal broom (might not sound fun, but it's better than carrying it with you forever!)
-hormone balance
-strengthen immune system
-stimulate digestion and digestive enzymes
-and many, many more!

Enjoy your green drink and your salad a day! Your body will thank you!


Ashley & Matthew Lisonbee said...

Love your Posts. Thank you for your message. I am so happy for you and the studio. . . now i know why I felt my answer I did, which was very hard to swallow but I knew I still had to help in any way I could. Now that we a most likely moving, I am glad I listened and didn't commit and leave you in the middle. i am very happy for you guys. i will have to keep you posted because I am doing a series of three Yoga video productions. . we plan to begin this spring. ..we'll see. Lots of Love.

MAMACITA said...

Very informative and motivational, Am!!'re STILL a little 'smarty pants'! xo

Megan Loves Life said...

Hi Amber, I'm Greg McGary's wife who you've never met! We just got your facebook invite and were so excited! I've been seeing your studio sign at the roundabout in Lehi and thinking I wanted to go and try it out. It was so fun to find out it was you! We live in Eagle Mountain so probably close to you. We also LOVE our "green drinks" in the morning. We try to see how green we can go with them. Thanks for the great tips! It would be fun to meet you sometime!

the waites said...

I loved this. I make a Kale lemonade a couple times a week and Myles loves it. Its so fun to try new things. Thanks for sharing. Congrats on the studio, thats so exciting:)

I did Bikram Yoga last night to help my hamstrings, they have been so tight( Im doing the OC marathon in May)...any suggestions ?