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Apr 3, 2009

Pregnancy Symptoms and Recent Happenings

There are a few things that consistently happen to me when pregnant . . .

1. I can find no reason to watch how much I eat, because I'm about to grow anyway . . . so I always put on more in the beginning than necessary but it all evens out in the end.
2. My poor kids have a much less patient mother.
3. I feel more justified in taking my own nap time when the kids take theirs.

So for those who haven't heard, we are 6 weeks pregnant. I still feel good . . . I have a ravenous appetite at times, and some days I never really feel awake, but my stomach still generally feels settled! Let's hope that holds, you never can tell this early on. I seem to want meat more often than I did in any other pregnancy (which I can't remember ever craving) but I'm doing my best to still keep it "sparing." I also have not purchased a pre-natal vitamin yet, so I'm doing my best to take in lots of high nutrient and supplement items.

I'm doing my best to keep my home and the yoga studio in order. Our studio rent went up for April and March was our worst month . . . let's hope it will remain forever our worst month. There's a lady I met last week who has some checklist to help you attract the perfect customers . . . so I plan to get that and put some energy into it. I know I need to put some energy into my vision for the studio for the next 1-5 years . . . and how to get ourselves there. So far I've been going just a little bit at a time. I also heard it's good to have your calendar . . . workshops etc for 4-6 months out! I'm definately behind on that. It's tricky, so maybe by the time the new baby is born I'll have a hang of running the studio baby.

Here are a few more recent pics of the kids. The trampoline picture is Jayden and Joshua with their friends from next door. They are very cute when they play all together.


MAMACITA said...

oooooooohh----CUTE pictures!! And nice update! Glad you're not sick yet and hope you WON'T get sick this time! Nap time is a must! You need that! Maybe that will help you from feeling sick! And EAT AWAY, I say! Your body needs that too! Yes, I plan to post more Vegas pics soon. Did you have your sound on today when you looked at mine? And did you look at Sidney's yet? She put some Vegas pics on too. xoxoxo

Matthew Lisonbee said...

I am glad you are not sick. Its been rough. Good luck with the studio. . it sounds great but I don't envy it also sounds like a lot of work. . .you go! Hope to see you sometime and hope your family is doing well.

Mandy said...

Sounds like you are doing well.. and the Yoga studio is going to definitely be a process, but that is to be expected! I'm still so excited you are doing that. I wish I lived closer so I could go there... what else?? I don't know-cute pictures, excited for you to have a pregnant belly-they are SO cute-another teacher is showing now and I'm kind-of envious...but just in the thought not REALLY :) Not quite yet ;) Anyway, love you! Good luck with all the family and animal additions this week :)

Trish said...

Thanks for the update Amber. I hope you are still feeling OK. You are now 7 1/2 weeks?! Your studio is a dream come true! But a project that will take time to be profitable eh? I took a break from blogging. It was nice but I missed everybody.
I have a new post on my blog so check it out.