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Aug 20, 2009

Hurray for Potty Training!

Joshua is making me so dang proud these days! He's getting so big and I wish all the family could spend more time with he and Austin and just see how big and funny and cute they are.

Well, I've been working on potty training Joshua for a while now and it's been kind of a struggle. Lots of peed or pooped in underwear, even multiple times 10 minutes after using the potty. I'm sure every mother has gone through this joy. This week we finally crossed a mile stone! Tuesday, for the first time Joshua told me he had to use the bathroom! It came out like, "Uh-oh poo poo" (which often is meant to mean "pee,pee") but when I went over to him he was dry! I took him to the potty then and almost every time since then he has told me when he has to go! It's wonderful! It took probably 2 months for him to open his mouth and tell me, but suddenly potty training just got a lot easier! Hallelujah! I won't have 3 kids in diapers after all! Sing praises!


Mandy said...

Wow, that is a big deal. I can't imagine all the diaper changing with multiple children! I need to continue on my deep cleaning kick :) Good to hear from you and I wish I could see YOU and your family more. It's getting to be that crazy time these days all of a sudden, but I'm excited at the same time BUT want to see ya'll soon. Anyway, I'm off to finish dinner...see you tonight hopefully...

MAMACITA said...


Trish said...

Congratulations Amber! Seriously. I can hear you woo hooing! Wonderful! Way to go Joshua! Now just quit hitting your little brother in the car! Love ya!

Ashley & Matthew Lisonbee said...

Good Luck, its so nice to have Beau trained. How are you doing???What are you having?Boy or Girl. I never heard from you on the Retreat pics, do you still need those??Hope you are feeling good, tell you family hello.

Matthew Lisonbee said...

Hey Amber just was thinking about you today. Hope you are doing okay.