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Nov 11, 2009

Home Energy Conservation and Stuff

Avan at 20 weeks . . .sorry I wanted to delete some of these and just have the profile but I couldn't delete!

More on Avan toward the bottom. :)

I just posted on the yoga site and for some reason it won't copy and paste . . . but I want to share the information with you too. SO, here's the link. :)

I would have never thought of some of these ideas. I have to say I cleaned out under my fridge today and it was quite dusty!

I have more lovely things to post about Jayden and I's mental and emotional progress with physical therapy but that will have to wait. :)

There are only two more weeks tomorrow until Avan's due date. We're still undecided on the spelling of his name. I guess Justin doesn't like A-v-y-n and that's the only spelling I like much besides a-v-a-n, which he doesn't like. We'll see who gives in, but I'm sure one of us will cause it's probably really not that huge of a deal right!? It's still the same name.
I've heard from several energy work folk that Avan is a free spirited little guy - like myself, and I would say also like my dad - and that he's very comfy and happy in my tummy, in no hurry to get out. We'll see how all of that turns out but I have felt like he will be a little Earth loving boy and so a name meaning "lord of Earth" seems very appropriate. I am starting to think he could likely be a sagitarius, because they are very free spirited, so that means he would be born sometime after the 20th or 21st. We'll see!
How's that for a scatter brained post!


MAMACITA said...

Haven't looked at the link yet---but YAHHHH for finally posting the ultrasound pics!!! And anxious to hear more about your and Jayden's mental status. :) And the spelling......yah I guess I'd say either A-V-A-N or A-V-I-N altho I think I favor the AVAN now--just cuz I imagine if it's AVIN people will think it's supposed to be ALVIN but the L was left out by mistake. Avun. Huh. Aven. Um...Yah, I think I like Avan best. Or....a completely different name would work also. ;) Yah I was thinking maybe AVYN seemed more like a girly spelling. Don't now why. Avvan. Hey! Maybe TWO V's! Avvin. Avven. Huh. Avven. Might make it easier for people to pronounce correctly. Well, I'm SO much help aren't I???!! Just thinkin' out loud here! Gonna look at the link now!! Good post! xoxo

MAMACITA said...

Aavan? Aavin? Hmmmmm...not bad! Aavyn.........

Mandy said...

Fun post...yeah definitely not pro at reading ultrasounds yet! ha. I could tell what mine was but it was just the profile of the baby...yours is bigger and I can't tell what it is...I'm going to enlarge it and see if that helps anything. I'm with ya..Avin, Aven-I like that spelling-nothing wrong with it, the spelling but I can see where that could be girly too for some reason..Double "v" thing not a fan. I vote for Aven, Avan, Avyn, or Avin. I don't think people will say Alvin...hopefully because there isn't an "l"! K, Sorry-I'm taking after mom's footsteps. :)

Mandy said...

Oh and mom NO to the Aavan--aavin..looks like "A"-vin then...and it's ah-vin right?? No bueno...looks good, but then it's "A"vin. But I actually like that name too if you want to switch it a little then the spelling would work! :)...yeah, I do like the sounds of that name too...

Ashley & Matthew Lisonbee said...

I am so excited for. Please keep me posted when you deliver, I would love to bring you a meal or help if i can.