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Nov 2, 2009

Lessons from Jayden

I have been having special life challenges lately . . . one of which is multiple daily physical therapy sessions with Jayden whenever he's at our house. This week he's not at our house but we went over to his mom's to show her how to do a few things and I'll be going over again tomorrow to do some more. Wednesday I will be joining her for an hour and a half physical therapy appointment with a new therapist. Basically, this is consuming a lot of my life and its a major challenge for a few reasons.

The most difficult thing for Justin and I is that Jayden seems to have very little self-motivation to get better. If we don't look he doesn't push himself, and every chance he gets he takes weight off of that left leg. He pretty much avoids pain at all costs (which is natural and would take considerable mental effort to overcome) despite his knowledge that his bone won't heal without weight on it and he won't miraculously be able to walk without the effort. It has been so hard to try everything and anything to help him find some self-motivation, some inner desire and strength and to have nothing work- so we continue to do all we can in therapy to force him to put weight in it and straighten it, which trust me, is no fun at all.

This is very complain-y so far but here comes a more productive part. :) Yesterday after church out of nowhere Jayden says, "Mom, do you know something that God can't do?" I said, "Hmmm, he can't forgive us if we don't repent." He said, "Yeah, and he can't make us choose what he wants us to."

That struck me so perfectly because I've been struggling so much with that same thing. It made me think of how often Heavenly Father wants us to make better choices that will bring us MORE JOY and MORE FREEDOM, but we don't want to put in the required effort. He sits on the sidelines lovingly and does everything he can to encourage us in the right direction and he allows us to feel and experience the consequences of our actions. I wish I could say it is now easy to watch Jaydens painfully slow progress, but at least his little wise spirit is helping me learn a little deeper lesson.


MAMACITA said...

Wow. That was good. Wise little Jayden; and also, my wise little daughter--always open to learning from anyone and everyone--even from her own children; which makes you a very wise yet humble mother. You make us all better, Amber--and so does Jayden. xoxo

Mandy said...

LOVED this Am. This is why I'm so lucky to have you as a sister. You are always learning from the situations you are in and strengthen those around you from your righteousness and faithfulness. Keep it up and very tender Jayden moment. Write that down in some book for Jayden or something. love you almost mommy of 4!!!

Mandy said...
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Tricia said...

Wow Am. Glad you had that experience with Jayden. So sorry for your struggles. Man - can't imagine! Thank you for sharing that. I agree with Mandy to right it down.