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Dec 6, 2009

Abby Dabby

So I have no pictures to display but today is miss Abby Dabby's (my niece) birthday.

I can't believe it was 10 years ago that I was living with Tricia and Clay in their Murray apartment while Trish was bursting at the seams with Abby in the womb. Abby has always been such a cute, sweet, easy to love little girl . . . who is quickly becoming not so little.

It's a pretty cool thing to watch your siblings raise children and Tricia is an amazing mother raising a daughter that anyone would love to have. I'll just mention a few things I love about Abby. She is SO smart, thoughtful and witty. She is a super creative thinker and writer and is sensitive to the spirit. I am very impressed
(from hearing her baptism journal entry and reading her blog :)) with the testimony that she has already developed . They say that it is so much more important to learn how to be happy than to learn all of the things you learn in school...and that often no one really teaches us that. I am lovingly proud of Abby for seeking those things that bring true happiness at such a young age. I also love that Abby enjoys playing with my boys and making Joshua crazy.

We love you Abby! Happy 10th birthday!


MAMACITA said...

LOVED this. Made me cry. Yah. Old. Emotional. Sentimental. But especially grateful for all SEVEN of my grandchildren! And most definitely for Miss Abby on her 10th (holy cow) birthday!!

Tricia said...

Thanks Amber. Loved this! Her and I have been bonding more lately. It all started with her getting grounded and being forced to help me more. :D Love you!

Trish said...
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