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Jan 3, 2010

Joshua is in Primary!

Today was Joshua's first day as a Sun Beam in the primary! What a big boy! He loved it and loved showing his new crown off to us after church.
Updated pics of Avin coming soon! . . . hopefully tomorrow. :)
One more cute thing about Joshua. New Year's Eve we put him in bed around 8:30. At 9:30 I went back upstairs and heard something coming from his room. I put my head by the door and he was singing! I went and gave him some love, told him he sings so pretty and said goodnight again. When I told Justin that downstairs he said he had just heard Joshua singing a little earlier and went in and did the same thing. What a cute kid! We think we'll keep him.


MAMACITA said...

Oh for precious!! The Sunbeam crown and excitement AND the singing in bed story!! Keep up the good work! Awesome pictures!! Must be a good camera! I forgot to ask you what kind it is and stuff!

Mandy said...

Fun! Joshua is SO cute. I am always saying that to Braden when we leave ya'lls house or see him...I think it is his cute little voice accompanied with his cuteness that gets me. Glad he likes to sing. :)