I didn't have my camera out to capture any pictures of all the kids on the slip and slide Bud and Char had set up. It was so, so nice to see everyone (although we really felt, love and miss all of those who weren't there) and although it was SUPER nice, it still seemed like not enough time to catch up! Did I mention the food was SO GOOD!? (Not shocking considering I didn't cook ;)).
All of the little boys in enjoying Bud's new, super giant TV....can't remember the size....anyone?
Sad this one turned out blurry.....pretty cute that they all piled on this chair when there were also two couches available.
Big boy Jonathan hangin out on the grass. This picture reminds me of how PERFECTly behaved Saisha was. Wish I had a picture of her, and wish Nala would be that calm and relaxed around visitors!
The setup in the backyard....I know, not the greatest pictures, but at least there ARE pictures right!? Some good catching up back there. It was cute how Trish felt bad talking about her race that morning and how crippled she was feeling....I was so impressed with the whole thing, I wasn't tired of hearing about it at all! She's amazing!
Char enlightened us with a lot of things she's learned in various classes, interesting stuff! One thing I remember coming up was attachment parenting....which I have heard mentioned a lot, but never specifically looked into....I have heard a few co-sleeping things though and I definitely do that with my babies for the first few months.
Cute boys in both pics! You can tell that Avin loves his Uncle Bud! He just helped himself into the car when Bud was getting ready to take Char for a ride. :) That could be a framer!
Lookin forward to seeing all you people in October!!! Shall we do it while Mom and Russy are here!? P.S. Our family is planning on St George for Thanksgiving! Anyone want to make it a family event and join us!?
LOVED seeing all these pictures! So glad you took them!! The TV is SIX FEET!!!! (not sure on the width....don't think it's 6 ft. square tho') So fun for me to see everyone getting together and having fun! All the boys in one chair--soo cute!! & yah--Bud and Avin in the car!! HOLY CUTE!! Good job, girl!
OOohhhh, love seeing all these pictures too. I can see why Mom gets fulfilled because I get fulfilled too. Bud's house WOULD BE the perfect location!! Maybe someday we'll be there for a Sunday dinner there. ;) Cute, cute pictures!
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