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Apr 22, 2014

The swirling thoughts on top of my brain

Many parts of my life seem all thrown up in the air.  Our desk is covered in random papers, from aviation homework, to partially written songs, to budgeting papers, to homeschool articles of faith ideas, the ward choir list of phone numbers and more.  My night stand is in a similar condition with 3 books I'm in the middle of and can never decide which is most important right now REALLY, scriptures, 2 kinds of scripture journals- one with a mostly written fireside yet to be given.  There is a crazy windstorm outside, which seems fitting.  I need to go off of sugar because it helps me with anxiety, as do running and yoga if I could ever be consistent again.  Why anxiety?  Well, I have found I am absorbing the energy of many crazy little people daily and that is just too much for my being.  It goes the best when I can be really conscious of keeping my energy separate from theirs, and also be really on top of time outs--which is sort of tricky when 3 people probably should all have a time out at once.....this partially explains why I'm not always as on top of it as I should be.

It's a time of upheaval.  We've recently had our bathroom torn apart with building and repainting, then our front room with painting and the falling apart of a their are books all over my bedroom and closet floor--which makes me want to sit and look at what interesting books I have, which of course I never have time to do, and even if I did, I would spend it doing many more important things--like playing hide and seek with the kids, walking to the park, maybe finishing a song, or one of the 3 books on my night stand.   Oh!  Another area of upheaval!  Our bank accounts.  We're in the middle of switching banks, so we have SIX accounts open between two banks.  This is insanity to me.  Sigh.  A little bit of organizing here and there spread between a million areas of my life, feels sort of like no organization at all. This seems sort of nice for the creative aspects of myself.  I took my guitar to the park yesterday and played while the kids played, and the kids and I have done some fun drawing the past couple days....AND there are SO many BEAUTIFUL birds in our neighborhood right now!  Like amazing beautiful.  I suddenly want to be a bird watcher, learn their names, look them up online and draw a bunch of the birds.  In fact, on my jog yesterday, there were some bird watchers out with a book taking pictures and I got to ask them a few of the names I've been wondering about.  We seriously live in an amazing neighborhood for bird watching.

So.....there you have it.  The things on the top of my brain.  AND the ward choir gets to start all new songs Sunday....need to get the songs to the piano players!  Now you're all caught up--sort of. ;)

(Maybe I'll post about gardening and yard thoughts which have sort left my brain for the past several days sometime, and/or something about the constant flux that our home education is under.)

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