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Oct 1, 2008

Family Pics

Joshua in his doo-pee-doo (superman)pj's

Austin and mommy


Matthew Lisonbee said...

We do really look like Sisters, well we are, huh. I love you Amber. you are good. I would love to be included on your ideas. I guess you know as my finances permit, I can't do much about attending additional trainings, retreats etc.. but my desire is pure;which is I want to help people and teach. Loved your thoughts. I love souls such as yourself. Thank you for moving into the ward.

Matthew Lisonbee said...

Oh and I saw Scott at Whole Foods today after my appointment. It was so fun to connect with him again.

MAMACITA said...

o.k. Now "I" love ASHLEY for saying that to you! :) Your page has just BLOSSOMED hasn't it?! xoxo

Matthew Lisonbee said...

Sounds great. I don't know if I told you but I am working on the formulas for a organic Baby care line: Its going to be called pHor Baby it will include a baby ointment, powder, lotion creme, hair and body wash and maybe a pregnancy creme. I have lots of headway with my Dad doing what he does so, I think its going to be a great thing. Oh, and sorry I didn't come today, Matthew turned off the alarm and well you know how its so easy to stay in the warmth of a cozy bed. Lots of Luvs, Ash

Matthew Lisonbee said...

So I have a good idea. Tommorrow I will walk to your house and then you can walk me home and that way we can walk together a little bit . What say you?

Matthew Lisonbee said...

So I came to your house, but you weren't home. It would be fun though to just visit and walk when you can before winter hits eh? What is going on today with you? Call me if you don't have anything going.

Matthew Lisonbee said...

Okay so I am glad there is somone like me who says crap. Matthew always teases me when I say it.

MAMACITA said...

Hope you read this EIGHTH comment! Just wanted to say FEEL FREE to make your pictures bigger when you post them! I LOVE big pictures!! xo