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Nov 11, 2008

Things that Make me Cry

I've been feeling very humbled and blessed lately because of things that are unfolding in my life. I also have been seeing more how necessary it is for us to reach out and serve and take part in our communities.

There is a show that Justin and I watch every Sunday night at 7 called Extreme Home Makeover. If you don't watch tv much it is well worth watching or even recording for later. They travel around the country building brand new beautiful homes for families who are in desperate need. Most often these families have a member or members who are very ill, or they are poor families who do tremendous things for their communities but live in terrible circumstances themselves. It is very emotional to watch people in their communities donate their time and talent and materials to build them a new home that meets their needs, within a week. Every time this show ends I am left with a desire to find someway I can reach out in my community, and at some point in every episode, I am brought to tears.

Last Saturday some people in our community put together a 5K for a little boy with leukemia. It turns out the Dad of this boy was Braden's brother's mission companion, but that's beside the point. As with all 5K's those who joined the race made a donation, and in this case the money went to the family of this child. I haven't been running much lately, but when I saw the poster for this run with this sweet little boy probably only 2 or 3 years old with tubes in his nose, I was brought to tears and knew I had to take part. I cannot imagine having to go through that with one of my children and on top of that having to deal with the resulting financial turmoil. On Saturday, when I drove up to the park where the race was to begin, I was brought to tears again, seeing all the people in the community who felt moved to reach out and help this family who is enduring a tremendous trial.

I am forever grateful for all of those things and people in my life and in this world that inspire me and help me to be a better person, and I hope that I can in some small way help to do the same for others.


Trish said...

Geez. Things that make Amber cry make Tricia cry too. Thanks for the inspiring words Am. I love Extreme Home Makeover. Ty isn't bad to watch either. ;) Way to go on donating your time and support at the 5k. Love you. said...


Thank you for your comment you left at and thank you for coming to the race. I am the father of the boy who has leukemia and after reading your blog I cannot help but feel my heart smile as yours did with the overwhelming support from the community. It was an amazing and emotional day for us all. We had another one of those days today as Austin went in for what could possible be his last round of chemo, the oncology ward gathered as we left to sing to us in the happy birthday tune "Happy last day of chemo to you, Happy last day of chemo to you....."
Amazing! God willing Austin will be considered cured 5 years from today November 11th 2013. He will be 8 years old.

I would love to know who Braden's brother is and how we are connected in this coat tail way.
Thank you again for your prayers and support

MAMACITA said...

Wow. Just read this post, and Tricia's comment, then Aaron's comment, and I feel a little bit speechless! (but not quite) :) And yah, things that make Amber cry, and Tricia cry, make MAMASITA CRY!! All of you are such an inspiration to me!

Matthew Lisonbee said...

You are a saint. You are so good to the core. Thank you for being such an awesome example in my life. If there is anything I can do to help you let me know. I feel so blessed to know you.

Mandy said...

Things that make Amber cry, Tricia cry, and Mom cry make ME cry :) Yes-and how cool that Aaron commented on your blog--and not to take the credit but I helped create the connection :) Yea--anyway, you are so awesome Amby and I'm so proud whenever anyone says that I remind them of you or that I am like you-look like you or any things of that sort. You are so awesome and I'm grateful for you. Aren't blogs awesome? Anyway, it is an escape for me, but also a connection :) Love you and hope I can help out with your retreat thing sometime this could come to my school on Friday...that might be easiest due to class Thursday....or you could do today last minute if you can!
OH yea, and Extreme Home Makeover IS awesome :) Malinda was big into it...maybe I should start watching that again...

the waites said...

Hi cousin! I love that you have a blog. You are such a talented beautiful mom and wife:) You would be so proud, I have been doing trade with a friend who teaches Yoga. I can do a head stand for 6 min.Are you impressed??? I need a private sesh with the real pro:)

I dont know why you cant add me to your blog...ask your sister

Matthew Lisonbee said...

Thank you for understanding the situation. Please call me asap so we can schedule your stellar pics of you doing Yoga out at the Salt Flats. We could have them done for when you open if you want. Let me know.

Mandy said...

Okay-super late response and in the wrong method back, BUT yes your yoga was AWESOME this morning and I loved your style. You are personable, understandable, motivating, inspire growth and personal reflection/thought, and I liked your new aspect of making it feel good-etc. It was awesome am and the whole time I was just thinking how proud I am to be your sister. I would definitely like it regardless of relationship. :) And during it I didn't feel super hot or sweaty like I have before..but I know my arms are going to be killer sore from all those bazillion planks and down dogs rep's. Anyway, thanks and it was cool having Justin there too for some reason-I just appreciated him being there a lot. Anyway, love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amber,
It was so great to be there at Jayden's baptism. I also wanted to let you know I found a place to take the pics of you and was wondering if we could do it after the holidays when life slows down a bit. What do you think.
Luvs, Ash

Ashley & Matthew Lisonbee said...

Amber that should be fine. If you want to tell me what time and call Alpine yoga to make sure it doesn't conflict with their studio time, I am a go. It will be fun!
Luvs, Ash
I wish I could come to your classes more; Matthew has basketball MWF at 6am, so I think the Sat classes are going to be when I can come, I guess my personal practice will have to be good for now. Hope you are doing well.