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Mar 11, 2013

November birthdays-Jayden and Avin

This year Jayden had a combined birthday with both families and one friend at Classic Skating.

 He turned 12!  I made him this blurry gecko quilt for his bed (he has a gecko at his other house) and we got him his first set of contacts.  I took him to the eye doctor without him knowing he was also being fitted for contacts. hee hee hee
Side note: I have 3 more quilts to go...Joshua, Avin and Jonathan still need one.
I made Austin and spiderman one, Justin-Raiders and this one for Jayden.
 Sorry these are ALL blurry!

Avin turns 3
This year ON Thanksgiving!
(many more and extremely cute pictures on Mom's blog of this day)
"Babykins" and Grandpa before their motorcycle ride around the block.

 train cake as requested :)  If I remember right, one of the children
picked up the cake in the cake box by the sides...hence the 
fallen frosting.  We were lucky they didn't DROP the whole thing!

 Avin is always the kid that likes to hang around when his Dad is fixing stuff.

 Big boy 3 year old!

1 comment:

MAMACITA said...

Looks like Jayden had a fun birthday party! and of course I LOVE the blanket you made him--and all the other ones you've made!

Glad you got a better picture of Avin's birthday cake than I did!! Shows all the cute decor on the top a lot better!

Apparently I didn't take any Harley pics with the boys that trip.......cute!!