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Feb 11, 2014

The Second Chakra

Sorry this post was so slow comin!  I haven't forgotten about it!  Here's some info on the second chakra:

The physical location of the second chakra is just below the navel.  The associated color or vibration is orange.

The second chakra is associated with relationships with others and how you see yourself in relation to others, sexuality, finances, fear and guilt.  Creativity is also sometimes linked to the second chakra.

Some signs that your second chakra is out of whack would be having skewed feelings of your own sexuality, having a sexually skewed view of others, always comparing yourself to others and not feeling good enough or feeling better than others, buried sexual trauma, fear, guilt, blame, anger, or fear about finances.

The reproductive organs, bowels, and bladder will physically manifest imbalance in the second chakra.  Remember that your body and your spirit work together to help you heal.  If you are having symptoms in one of these areas, you can start healing right now.  Bringing awareness to the underlying issue will help you start to redefine yourself.  You can begin to consciously forgive and consciously practice handing your anger and blame  (or whatever your particular emotion might be) over to Christ.  I imagine taking the feelings and putting them all in a red box and handing them to him.  I then imagine that he transmutes it to white light.  One other way I visualize it is with the residue of those emotions falling off me onto the ground and then again, Christ transmuting that to light.  Whatever way that you find works for you, know that he suffered for our pain, and not only our sins and that he WILL take it and he will heal the space that is left in it's place.

Forgiveness is a tremendous blessing that will create so much more space for love and joy.
"Then Peter came and said to Him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" 22Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."     -Matthew 18:21-22

The highest truth for the second chakra is "love one another."  When we fully emotionally love and respect others, give others the benefit of the doubt, trust that the Lord will bless us financially as we love, serve, and obey His voice, respect ourselves in relation to others, and forgive those that may have hurt us, our second chakra will be balanced.  


Kevin & Tara Carpenter said...

Thank you for all this information. What chakra affects motivation? I'm sure lots of mom's have this problem, but for a few months now I just don't feel motivated to do much of anything. My best guess is that I am affected by winter and being stuck indoors with little sun. Since I can't change the season, what suggestions do you have that I can do to help me through the winter and get more motivated to do everyday tasks like play with my kids, make dinner, and clean my house? Thank you!

Amber said...

Tara, sorry I haven't responded before now, and now I'm keeping my hubby up in bed so I'll have to add to my response another time....but I would say that sounds like a primarily first chakra depletion. That's where we get our vitality and physical energy. I would say do your best to be present and down to earth. Play with your kids, bundle up and take a walk, try to detach more from devices that tend to pull us out of the moment and our current experience. Exercise can do so much for giving you more energy, though I know it's hard to do that when motivation is down! I'm getting a little more info. I'll PM you.

Amber said...

Ha! I just reread your questions, and I'm pretty sure I totally didn't answer them, at least in the comment below I didn't! Honestly, I think what I PMed you is the best advice I can give you without tuning into you on purpose and feeling out more on what is going on. The first chakra and exercise really go hand in hand as relating to physical energy and motivation.....but I think it's important for you right now to have FUN. What is fun to you? Can you do something with your kiddos that YOU think sounds fun? Do you need a girls night, or creative time, or more chances to know you're being the Lord's instrument? Maybe you need to nurture your core self.? Throwin stuff out there :) Vitamin D supplements are always wonderful of course...and lots of greens. There are a lot of nutritional things you could do. That's a whole other giant topic!

Kevin & Tara Carpenter said...

Thank you Amber! Your PM nailed it. Your suggestions in here are helpful too. We just got a Nutri Bullet, so I'll be making green smoothies daily, and the weather is supposed to be nice next week, so I'll try to take my kids to the play ground and hopefully get a little "me time" while I'm there and soaking up some vitamin D from the sun. Thank you!