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Oct 14, 2008

All Truth to One Great Whole

This is a picture of what is probably my favorite place on Earth. It is Navajo Falls in the Grand Canyon on the way to Havasupai. There is such an amazing spirit there. I have been thinking lately about truth and some of the things that I know. I love the idea of all truth being circumscribed into one great whole. For a lot of years I searched for truth in many places. I forgot anything that I thought I once knew and I started over. What I found was that there is so much truth everywhere and when you combine it all together you can dive deeper into any truth you may have previously had. I also found that although there is much beauty, wisdom, and peace in teachings from other religions and cultures (such as yoga) there is a certain DEPTH of peace that is missing without a connection with Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus Christ is my Saviour, and that through him I am able to be cleansed and start fresh as often as I choose. I know that He will help me to fulfill my life's purposes if I hold to his teachings and follow the promptings that come through the spirit. I also have to say that I have experienced in a most literal way that Jesus Christ is absolutely the light and life of the world, of you and me, and that if he was not sustaining our spirits as well as our bodies, we would cease to have life. Read that twice. It is absolutely true. I think there are many people who get excited about the beauty in other true teachings and loosen their grip on the gospel of Jesus Christ. I promise if you will hold on to the teachings of the gospel, you will eventually see and feel how these other truths can deepen your relationship with God and Christ. I promise it all fits. Eventually all of this will be circumscribed into one great whole.


Matthew Lisonbee said...

Thank you once again for your wisdom. I absolutely agree. I find some people can make any obsession in their lives pretty much become their religion, wether it be yoga or whatever. All I have is My Faith, My Family and My Life and it all belongs in the hands of our Fathers will. Everything else is beautiful icing on the cake of life, eh. Have a great evening.

MAMACITA said...

O.K. so did you draw that man picture too?? Love the falls. It's pretty amazing all the places you have hiked to! Love your thoughts. So true.

Matthew Lisonbee said...

The exhibit is in Salt Lake at the Leonardo and I think it is 21$ and you have to reserve the tickets.

Trish said...

I was reading this post to Abby and actually read the part about our lives ceasing to exist twice, before I read you asking us to read it twice. Very profound and true Am. I love reading your deep thoughts!

Matthew Lisonbee said...

I don't know if I am everything you compliment on, but thank you for your encouragement and sweetness. Thank you for just being you. . .I so admire it. You too have been a godsend for me. A friend who I can just veg with, talk with and not do much of anything but still feel such connection. It is so fun to meet people who have a same energy or outlook on things. I would love to do a temple shot for you. Lets talk and I will tell you some ideas I have. Since you are "Yogic" I have some fun ideas for composition and feel.

Matthew Lisonbee said...

So do you want to do a cleanse the first few days of next week? I will make the food and come drop it off if you want? Let me know:)

Matthew Lisonbee said...

Hey Amber,I can't go walking till later tomorrow. I am taking some pics at 8:30am. I call you when I get back.

Matthew Lisonbee said...

Sorry tomorrow I have a baby photo shoot in the morn, but I would love to go walking Thursday or Friday or Sat? This week is a bit crazy. And as for the cleanse thing. . .next Monday sound good to start? Swell then.

Matthew Lisonbee said...

Yeah!!! CharLee is 7, can you still teach him? Also i was wondering if you would be willing to trade for photography of your fam? I am so excited!
Luvs, Ash

Matthew Lisonbee said...

Hey Amber
i am sorry about Sunday. . . I forgot to call you about the fireside. We were at Matthews parents. And tommorrow I cannot walk because of plans with my Mom and a hair appt.